Yep! I wouldn't really call it a moment of grace but embarrassment. Before I share what happened I want to WARN everyone that in the next following lines it make not be suitable for children under 10 years old (since my daughter just turned 10).
I sleep naked (yes, TMI for some). I just don't sleep well with clothes on unless it is really cold outside. I woke up and not knowing my 10 year old daughter was in my room I walked to the bathroom naked not knowing she was there. I can out of the bathroom "FULL MONTY" and she saw everything.
Please dad's if you are out there please easy my mind that my kid will not be scared for life.
I was so embarrassed and upset with my wife for not saying anything I screamed at my 10 year old for being in my private space. I was not happy with the fact she is at that age of questioning and a 10 year old should just see a penis in an educational book not a real live man at this age.
I don't have a problem with talking about sex with them and feeling comfortable but there is just somethings to be kept private.
Well, I think she was just as surprised as me, and eventually we talked and life goes on.
Final note: I need a bath towel.