Monday, July 12, 2010

Meeting of the Minds

Grace Happens on Sunday we go ourselves together and headed over to Starbucks with notepad, pen, computer, and conversation.  We dedicated out conversation to talking about our vacation trip to Los Angeles, preparing for school, and topics to cover during our time of worship. 

Though it was conversation time I think I was the main person talking maybe because I am gifted in organizing, delegating, and getting stuff done.  Maybe it was a day where the kids saw Dad in action and putting together a family plan.  I do like being the leader but I always checking to make sure everyone agrees and has something to say.

We covered a lot of information in one hour and two cups of BOLD STARBUCKS COFFEE.  We make a list of what we need for kid's schools like supplies, how much money we will need, clothing, and contact teachers telling them how excited our kids are to be coming back to school (ha, ha, ha).  We decided that during our GRACE HAPPENS time we would break up the month and not just stay indoors and not just on Sundays.  This is what we are thinking of covering within a month period:

1.  Volunteer activity - women's shelter, visiting seniors, food bank, etc (something in our Gwinnett area)
2.  Something with Nature or Art - visit a park, museum, or a road trip
3.  Bible Study lesson - nobody was really interested in it but it has to be done
4.  No church day - self reflection and have a time of not gathering together (sounds weird)

Well, there you go.  I think the lesson we learned this last Sunday was once again church is being with those you love and doing something together to deepen your relationships.

1 comment:

  1. Suggestion...
    I fully understand the resistance to Bible study and am personally going through a time of "withdrawal" from it due to "burn-out"(I had read in cover to cover 4 times in 4 years in 4 versions). What about reading passages from other religious texts: Koran, Tao te Ching, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, even some of the early Christian texts like the Diache and Gospel of Thomas.
